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The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological flexibility mediating the relationship between borderline personality traits and depression. For this study, self-reported data were collected from 328 adults(131 males and 197 females) belong to universities located in the GyeongNam area. The following questionnaires were administered: Korean Personality Disorder Tests(K-PDT), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Ⅱ(AAQ-Ⅱ), and Korea Depression Scale(KDS). Structural equation modeling(SEM) was applied in order to verify the mediating effect of psychological flexibility on the relation between borderline personality traits and depression. The results of this study were as follows. Positive correlation was found between borderline personality traits and depression and negative correlations between depression, borderline personality traits, and psychological flexibility. Structural equation modeling(SEM) revealed that psychological flexibility partially mediated the relation between borderline personality traits and depression. Finding of the current study showed that borderline personality traits influenced depression through identifying the role of psychological acceptance. This result showed difference between male and female. Based on these results, findings and implications are discussed.
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