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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to standardize the Korean Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Ⅱ (K-Vineland-II) and to test reliability and validity of the scales. Items of the K-Vineland-II and procedures of the standardization were determined on the basis of the results of two preliminary studies. The standardization sample (N=1602) was stratified with the demographic variables including gender, age, education, and region. Data were collected using one of two forms of the scales (the interview form and caregiver/parent rating form). In addition, one of the other tests such as K-WAIS-IV, K-WISC-IV, SMS, KPRC, BSID-II, or WHODAS 2.0 was conducted with the individual or caregiver. Statistical analysis proved good split-half reliability (r=.79 ∼ .97) and test-retest reliability (r=.89) of the K-Vineland-II. The result of the CFA supported the 4 domains and 12 subdomains structure of the scales. The scales were proved to discriminate the intellectual disability group from the normal group, and among three severity specifiers (mild, moderate, severe) of the intellectual disability. The results were discussed in terms of clinical utility of the scales, and further studies were suggested.
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