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The current study was conducted to investigate the relationship between cognitive function and psycho-social function in chronic schizophrenia patients using the recently revised K-WAIS-IV. K-WAIS-IV, BPRS, ILSS, SBS and WHOQOL-BREF was administered to 40 patients diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia. All scores were analyzed. In a partial correlation analysis, the results showed that even controlling for sex, age, and severity of psychopathology, the Block Design (BD) subtest was significantly correlated with the care of personal possessions in independent living skills and Arithmetic(AR) and Comprehension (CO) subtests were significantly correlated with the transportation in independent living skills. In addition, Similarity (SI), CO, and Letter-Number sequencing (LN) subtests, as well as Processing Speed Index (PSI) were significantly correlated with the language ability in social behavior. Moreover Vocabulary (VC), AR and LN subtests were significantly correlated with the contents of conversation in social behavior. In addition, Symbol Search (SS) were significantly correlated with the physical domain of quality of life. These findings suggest that there is a strong association between each cognitive function and psychosocial function, regardless of the severity of psychopathology or demographic characteristics.
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