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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of emotional clarity on the relationship between negative urgency and the loss of control eating. In study I, the Eating Loss of Control Scale (ELOCS) was first translated into Korean, and then 116 undergraduate students answered it. To assess the factor structure, exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Thereafter, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed on another set of data from 128 undergraduate students. As a result, the original factor structure was tested by CFA, obtaining a poor fit. An additional model was tested, after deleting the items with bad adjustments, obtaining the best fit. The ELOCS demonstrated a good convergent validity and was significantly correlated with eating pathology, emotion dysregulation, poor self-control, and depression. In study II, the role of emotional clarity was investigated to the hypothesis that emotional clarity has a moderating effect on the relationship between negative urgency and loss of control eating. There were 227 undergraduate students who completed self-report measures. The results of hierarchical analysis showed that after controlling for sex, negative urgency predicted the loss of control eating. When emotional clarity was low, a higher level of negative urgency was associated with a greater loss of control eating. Conversely, when emotional clarity was high, the effect of negative urgency on the loss of control eating was not significant. Such results suggest that the ability to understand and explain themselves as well as the emotions of others can potentially buffer the aggravation of impulsive traits.
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