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The present study aimed to investigate changes in emotion and state self-esteem of depressed individuals after social feedback. For this purpose, 26 female college students with depression (DIs) and 29 healthy controls (HCs) were randomly assigned to either positive or negative feedback condition and asked to converse with a confederate. Changes in emotion (positive and negative feelings) and state self-esteem after the feedback were measured by Visual Analogous Scale and Korean Version of State Self Esteem Scale, respectively. A significant interaction effect in self-esteem, but not in emotion, between group and feedback condition was found. Specifically, HCs’ state self-esteem was unchanged after feedback. For DIs, state self-esteem was positively changed only after positive social feedback. The result indicated that, compared to HCs, DIs’ state self-esteem was more sensitively affected by social feedback. The findings of the present study are interpreted in terms of integration of self-enhancement and self-verification theories, and implications and limitations were discussed.
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