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Rejection sensitivity and negative cognitive bias are risk factors for depression. Rejection sensitivity is a concept that explains individual differences in the perception of and reactions to rejection. Individuals with high rejection sensitivity anxiously expect, readily perceive, and overreact to rejection. Cognitive bias is a pattern of deviation that occurs when people interpret and remember given information or situations. Depressed people have negative cognitive bias. This study aimed to investigate the dual mediating effect of negative interpretation bias and negative memory bias in the relationship between rejection sensitivity and depression among undergraduate and graduate students. A total of 159 undergraduate and graduate students completed the Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression, and Similarity Rating Task using E-prime Software. The research model was constructed based on previous research in this field. To compare the research model and the two alternative models, structural equation modeling was conducted. The complete dual mediation model attained the best fit for present study. The finding suggests that high rejection sensitivity may contribute to depression through the increase of negative interpretation bias and negative memory bias. Our findings support the combined cognitive bias hypothesis proposed by Hirsch and colleagues in the relationship between rejection sensitivity and depression. Finally, the therapeutic implications and limitation of the study were discussed.
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