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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Recent mental health policies emphasize both primary and secondary prevention of mental illness. In this regard, a screening assessment tool with easy accessibility, high reliability, and validity is crucial for identifying individuals at risk or in need of optimal treatment in various health care settings or national research projects. Even though there are several screening assessment tools available for depressive disorders in Korea, few have been reported to have proper diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for Korean people. None are available for both online and offline assessment, scoring, and interpretation without the payment of an international loyalty fee. The current study aimed to report on our Phase II (second year) validation study of Korean Screening Assessment for Depressive Disorders (K-DEP) including the scale development process, validity evidence, and reliability indices. The K-DEP, a brief screening assessment tool for depressive disorders, is designed to cover major components of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), diagnostic criteria, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC), and other screening tools for depressive disorders that can be easily used in community mental health settings, psychiatric hospitals and clinics, or various research projects. The results support the construct validity of the K-DEP with optimal evidence based on its contents, internal structure, relation with other variables, response process, and consequences. We also reported Cronbach’s α, sensitivity, specificity and standard error of measurement using Item Response Theory for the reliability index. The implications of the current study and the research project of the third year are also discussed.
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