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This study investigated the social cognition deficit of antisocial personality disorder, through both K-MASC which is an integrative measuring tool for social cognition and SCORS-G using TAT, retesting the conflicting results of previous studies. A group of participants with antisocial personality tendencies (n=37) and a control group (n=38) were selected based on PAIANT scores, after carrying out a survey that consisting of PAI and TCI among 494 undergraduate students. First, SCORS-G using TAT and K-MASC was administered and social cognitive ability was compared between these two groups. Thereafter, temperamental characteristics were controlled through a MANCOVA, to determine the effect of antisocial personality characteristics on social cognition. Results showed that the group with antisocial personality disorder tendencies displayed an overall deficit in cognitive and emotional aspects of social cognitive ability, compared to the control group. However, after the temperamental characteristics were controlled there was a significant difference between groups only in the cognitive aspect of social cognitive ability. The results indicated that individuals with antisocial personality disorder tendencies are likely to display an overall deficit in social cognitive ability compared to the control group, but the cognitive aspect of this ability is the core deficit related to antisocial personality disorder.
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