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Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is defined as severe fear or anxiety in one or more social situations. Although knowing the specifiers of SAD could further improve our understanding of heterogeneity in the disorder, currently available psychometric instruments are insufficient to assess situationally defined social anxiety dimensions individually. Given this situation, the Social Anxiety Questionnaire (SAQ) has been developed to measure five anxiety-provoking situations for adults. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the SAQ. A total of 564 undergraduate students participated in this study. A total of 302 samples were used for exploratory factor analysis, and a total of 262 samples were used for confirmatory factor analysis. The mean age of the participants was 20.33 years, and measures of anxiety, fear of negative evaluation, and depression were analyzed. Exploratory factor analysis yielded five factors: (1) interactions with strangers, (2) speaking in public/talking with people in authority, (3) interactions with the opposite sex, (4) criticism and embarrassment, and (5) assertive expression of annoyance, disgust, or displeasure. Confirmatory factor analysis also supported the construct validity of the questionnaire. The Korean version of the SAQ showed good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, criterion validity, and convergent validity. To futher accurately understand social anxiety disorder, it is necessary to determine how the level of anxiety of each individual differs in various circumstances. In this respect, the Korean version of the SAQ is expected to be utilized as a useful tool for clinical research.
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