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  • P-ISSN1013-0799
  • E-ISSN2586-2073
  • KCI

A Study on the Musical Theme Clustering for Searching Note Sequences

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2002, v.19 no.3, pp.5-30
Ji-Young Shim (Yonsei University)
(Yonsei University)


In this paper, classification feature is selected with focus of musical content, note sequences pattern, and measures similarity between note sequences followed by constructing clusters by similar note sequences, which is easier for users to search by showing the similar note sequences with the search result in the CBMR system. Experimental document was 「A Dictionary of Musical Themes」, the index of theme bar focused on classical music and obtained kern-type file. Humdrum Toolkit version 1.0 was used as note sequences treat tool. The hierarchical clustering method is by stages focused on four-type similarity matrices by whether the note sequences segmentation or not and where the starting point is. For the measurement of the result, WACS standard is used in the case of being manual classification and in the case of the note sequences starling from any point in the note sequences, there is used common feature pattern distribution in the cluster obtained from the clustering result. According to the result, clustering with segmented feature unconnected with the starting point Is higher with distinct difference compared with clustering with non-segmented feature.

Humdrum note sequences, clustering, content-based music retrieval, feature, segmentation, Humdrum
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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management