Recent research in the field of medical information systems has paid much attention to an ontology based medical terminology system to support clinical study and effective information search. This study aims to conduct research for further application or construction of ontology systems in Korea. This research reviews the theory of concept modeling and ontology, and analyses 4 cases of conceptual modeling of medical terminologies by ontology. The findings of this study display these specific characteristics in medical ontologies : (1) The standardization of terminology on MeSH. (2) The conceptualization of terminology on UMLS. (1) and (2) are showed as unformal ontologies. (3) The theory of ontology integration in ON9. (4) The reference model of medical knowledge with formalization in GALEN. (3) and (4) are showed as formal ontologies. The application and construction of ontology should be differentiated according to the level of the proposed system, and then this analysis will provide useful information for the researcher and developer of the system.
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