With the rapid change of the Web and E-transaction application, the search interface is providing more powerful search and visualization methods, while offering smoother integration of technology with task. Especially, visualization techniques for long menu-lists are applied in retrieval system with the goal of improving performance in users ability to select one item from a long list. In order to review visualization techniques appropriate to the types of users and data set, this study compared the five visualization browsers such as the Tree-structured menu, the Table-of-contents menu, the Roll-over menu, the Click menu, and Fisheye menu. The result of general analyses shows that among the hierarchical methods, the experienced group prefers the Table-of-contents method menu, whereas the novices group prefers the Tree-structure method menu. Among the linear methods, the two groups prefer the Roll-over menu. The Roll-over menu is most preferred among the five browsers by the two groups.
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