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  • P-ISSN1013-0799
  • E-ISSN2586-2073
  • KCI

The Analysis of the Information Users' Needs and Information Seeking Behavior in He Field of Science and Technology

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2008, v.25 no.2, pp.127-141


In this study, we investigated the information users' needs and information seeking behavior in the field of science and technology. We found that the science and technology researchers most frequently needed information while conducting the research & development related tasks and drafting research papers. The researchers attributed the main sources of research ideas to be the communication among colleagues and the literature review. The researchers's most preferred information sources were digital libraries, web search engines, and academic information portal. In conclusion, the science and technology researchers regarded the online use of electronic materials as the primary source of information. We hope that this investigation reported herein to be the foundation for developing user-centered information services for the science and technology discipline.

정보요구, 정보추구행태, 정보부족 문제, 과학기술 정보서비스, information needs, information seeking behavior, information gap problem, science and technology information service



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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management