Although the native local data is being deemed important in the age where historical records are regarded as important, currently it is hard to find out detailed actual state of local data, because it is now being collected and managed by many institutions and individuals. This study is aimed at surveying the current state of management of native local data possessed by local cultural center, one of institutions that produce and manage local data, and suggesting a desired alternative idea of cultural center for management of native local data, through the problems found by the research. As the result, the current state of data management of the local cultural center are as follows: First, local data management in the local cultural center as the problem in poor surroundings and a financial question get local data-related education make systematic data collection and management unavailable. Second, local data depends on the extent of its awareness of it, each and every cultural center shows a significant deviation in the extent of execution of local data-related project. Third, even though the publication business of the cultural center is being lively executed, it attaches importance to the history of local authority rather than to the residents’ life, and it should not be supplemented in applying it to education and production of cultural contents.
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