The journal impact factor(JIF) of the Thomson Reuters(ISI) has been widely used to assess the impact of journal as well as its quality. However, the JIF contains its critical limitation, in which it does not measure the impact of journal but the average impact of articles in journal. Besides significant number of problems of the JIF has been noticed. Furthermore, given the limited coverage of domestic citation index database in comparison to those of international citation index, it is necessary to apply a more appropriate index with a high level of discriminating power. This study, therefore, aims to introduce some practical methods to measure the impact of domestic journals by using the Hirsch-type indices. As the Hirsch-type indices has been often used for overcoming the limitations of the JIF in worldwide, we hope that our research outcome offers an effective alternative to gauge the impact of journals more accurately. Consequently, using the variations of the h-index(hs-index, fs-index) or the sum of issue level(issue based h-index, issue based f-index), we argue that it would improve the discrimination capacity of the Hirsch-type indices significantly and that we can measure the impact of domestic journals more clearly.
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