In order to achieve effective human resource development in LIS fields, it is essential to have strategies to nurture and utilize those human resources, in relation to supply and demand as well a sound legal foundation supporting those strategies. Such strategies and legal foundation can only be developed from a complete knowledge of the current status of human resources in the LIS and related industries. This study, therefore, conducted research on the basic employment status, employment environment, and an overall analysis of related issues, in order to address policy implications on the effectiveness of human resource development in the LIS field. This research included the current status of policy environments that involve social environment, and related institutions and laws, and human resources developments as well as the current requirements of librarians in the field, based on a demand survey of LIS employment. It was found that first, there are three distinguishable factors in LIS employment: a feminization of librarianship, an increase in temporary posts, and a high entering ratio into the library workplace. Second, while there were only little differences in the given tasks between full-time and temporary employees, the differences in salary and welfare were considerably larger. Third, field requirements for librarian education included a mentoring system with field experts, short-term internships, and librarian apprenticeships, while job requirements included internship or apprenticeship, language skills, various license acquisition, and career management. Fourth, librarians with licenses for related organizations held 20% more librarian licenses overall.
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