The purpose of this study is to explain information usage behavior of researchers in the field of ocean science and technology. The study mainly collected primary data for advancement of special library services as well as establishment of personalized information services based on personal characteristics such as age, education level, and area of research. The data collection was conducted for two weeks during January 2014, through a web survey to 348 researchers in national ocean research institutions in South Korea. Total of 115 researchers replied. The analysis showed that the most preferred type of information medium was a scholarly journal. Researchers used more foreign published journals compared to Korean ones, while favoring digital formats rather than printed ones. The top channels for information collection were ‘web search’ and ‘affiliated libraries.’ Most pointed out difficulties of data collection were ‘lack of variety of digital resources in affiliated libraries’ and ‘reluctance to use charged information.’ Key elements for satisfactory user experience were ranked in the order of ‘digital library system,’ ‘library staff,’ and ‘library collection’ and so on, which proves the close relationship between library service and information usage service satisfaction. The result of an assessment for demands in special libraries showed that ‘personalized information search service,’ ‘project support service,’ and ‘research direction analysis service’ should be implemented in the future.
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