This paper carried out co-word analysis of noun and noun phrase using text-mining technique in order to grasp the research trends on domestic and international information science articles. It was conducted based on collected titles and articles of the papers published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management (KOSIM) and Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) from 1990 to 2013. By dividing whole period into five publication window, this paper was organized into the following processes: 1) analysis of high frequency co-word pair to examine the overall trends of both information science articles 2) analysis of each word appearing with high frequency keyword to grasp the detailed subject 3) focused network analysis of trend after 2010 when distinctively new keyword appeared. The result of the analysis shows that KOSIM has considerable portion of studies conducted regarding topics such as library, information service, information user and information organization. Whereas, JASIST has focused on studies regarding information retrieval, information user, web information, and bibliometrics.
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