This study clarified the knowledge structure of international collaboration in psychiatry based on analyzing networks in order to construct cooperation networks for international collaboration in psychiatry in South Korea. The result of analysis of knowledge structure at a state-level is as follows. First, this study found that the rate of collaboration for five years is high as 89.97%. Moreover, this study investigated the change of rate of collaboration and international collaboration according to the passage of time, and ascertained that while the rate of international collaboration has increased, Second, this study examined the trend of research on collaboration between Asian countries, and found that collaboration between Asian countries is on a low level. Third, the country (or group) that the number of papers of international collaboration and the value of centrality are the highest is EU-28. The result of analysis of knowledge structure at a research output-level is as follows. this study analyzed the correlation of centrality with research output, and found that positive correlation exists in the three indicators of centrality, and a country with high centrality has good research output.
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