The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of the provisions for library exceptions in copyright laws and to suggest the direction for the revision of provision in the Copyright Act of Korea. This study compares and analyzes the provisions for library exceptions in several countries’ copyright law including Korea, Japan, UK, Australia and USA. This study found that the most common issues in library exception provisions are providing reproduction for users, reproduction for preservation, reproduction for interlibrary loan and digitization of library collections but the conditions for each issue are quite different. The suggestions for the revision of the library exceptions in the Copyright Act of Korea are as follows: changing the amount of reproduction of unpublished works, of works which cannot be obtained at a fair price and of periodicals for users, the transmitting digital reproduction to the user under limited conditions, preparing conditions for reproduction for preservation in libraries, preparing the applicable provisions for reproductions for interlibrary loans and for the limitation of works to be digitized and extending their use at the same time.
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