As coming Senior-Shift age, senior users are regarded as one of the importance user groups in the library. This study is to find the usage patterns and needs of libraries and digital libraries by 152 seniors and to compare with young-old age (baby boom generation) and elderly age. As a result, total seniors visited regularly and preferred political & social, religion & philosophy, and history & geography. While the baby boom generation are using the economy & finance, art & culture compared to the older. And the baby boom generation visit for self-development and the older visit for leisure purposes. Secondly, If the search fails, the baby boomers control the results themselves, while the older is more turn to the librarians. It can be described as the need for a librarian exclusively responsible for the senior. Thirdly, senior have difficulties in access and use of search aided tools or functions. Therefore, this study suggested that it is necessary to build an intuitive interface using the help and menu descriptions for senior who have poor access to convenience and define functions.
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