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  • P-ISSN1013-0799
  • E-ISSN2586-2073
  • KCI

A Study on the Effects of Reading Education on Situational Interest and Motivation for Reading: Focusing on the 5th and 6th Graders of Korean Elementary School

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2021, v.38 no.1, pp.113-141


Elementary school is a critical period for the students to form a reading habit. So it is necessary to consider the ways of reading education that can promote the student’s reading motivation. This study explores the effective applications of reading education in the school by testing the relationship among reading education, student’s situational interest, and intrinsic motivation. To this end, this study executed several in-depth interveiws as a pilot and a questionnaire survey with 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools. The survey results were statistically analyzed. As a result, teacher’s reading instruction had the most positive effect on the situational interest, and situational interest had the greatest mediating effect in the relationship between teacher’s reading instruction and the students’ intrinsic reading motivation. Based on the result, improvements in reading education were suggested for the students to form a good reading habit.

독서 동기, 독서 흥미, 상황적 흥미, 독서교육, 흥미 이론, 학교 도서관, reading education, reading motivation, school library, reading interest, situational interest, interest theory

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management