ISSN : 1013-0799
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Dublin Core metadata generated by ChatGPT using book covers, title pages, and colophons from a collection of books. To achieve this, we collected book covers, title pages, and colophons from 90 books and inputted them into ChatGPT to generate Dublin Core metadata. The performance was evaluated in terms of completeness and accuracy. The overall results showed a satisfactory level of completeness at 0.87 and accuracy at 0.71. Among the individual elements, Title, Creator, Publisher, Date, Identifier, Rights, and Language exhibited higher performance. Subject and Description elements showed relatively lower performance in terms of completeness and accuracy, but it confirmed the generation capability known as the inherent strength of ChatGPT. On the other hand, books in the sections of social sciences and technology of DDC showed slightly lower accuracy in the Contributor element. This was attributed to ChatGPT’s attribution extraction errors, omissions in the original bibliographic description contents for metadata, and the language composition of the training data used by ChatGPT.