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The roles of Switching Barriers and Personality Traits on the Link between Customer Loyalty and Complaining Behavior


This study aims to examine the roles of switching barriers and personality trait on complain behavior. This study provides unique contributions to the literature by exploring how perceived switching barriers as a marketing situational factor and consumers' personality traits as a individual difference factor influence the link of customer loyalty and complaining behavior. The data was collected from a survey of undergraduate students at large Korean Universities. Total 360 survey were distributed and 342 questionnaires were analyzed. Results indicate the proposed hypotheses receive support in that firms can increase customer loyalty either through trust and commitment or via attitudes toward complaint. Furthermore, this study found the negative relationship between customer loyalty and complaining behavior, namely indicating that loyal customer who reinforces social bonds with service providers is likely to significantly reduce the frequency of complaining behavior. Results also show that the link between customer loyalty and complaining behavior is contingent on different levels of perceived switching barriers. Interestingly, the findings of personality traits show that significant interaction effects of extraversion and loyalty as well as openness to experience and loyalty variables. The findings of this study suggest that service providers need to consider the way customer complaining is handled and managed, namely an efficient management system of loyal customers' complaining.

complaining, customer loyalty, switching barriers, personality trait



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