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The effects of touch display size on emotional responses and performance: Focused on viewing distance and viewing angle


There are digital devices with touch display, including smart phones and tablet PCs, currently on market. Touch displays on digital devices have a lot of variation in display sizes and ratios. Despite of this diversification of display size, there was no research what is the optimal size on touch display. Therefore, this study examines the effects of touch display size on users’ emotional responses and performance and finds the optimal size on touch display. As results of present study, there were differences on emotional responses; interest, preference, attention, discomfort, and SCL (arousal), and performance; viewing distance, viewing angle, and game scores. Although most of previous studies showed that large display leads higher emotional responses and better performance than small display, this study finds that pattern of differences varies based on various variables. Especially, performance on touch display shows inverted U-shaped; the peak of curve between viewing angle 8° and 10°. Thus, this study examines the effects on display size with touch interface, and provides implications on development of touch displays and contents.

Touch display, Touch interface, Display size, Emotional response, Performance, Viewing distance, Viewing angle



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