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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study was to examine social situation and consumer patriotism on the patriotic advertising effectiveness. For this study, social situation was divided to positive situation(2002 Korea-Japan World Cup), negative situation(IMF) and general situation(neutral) because many patriotic advertising tended to concentrate in specific situation. In this study, experimental research was performed by 3×2×2 between-subject factorial design. As a study results, first, advertisement for appealing patriotism was shown some difference through social situation. Advertisement appealing patriotism effect was appeared more higher in positive or negative social situation than general social situation. It is shown that social situation can function as a context in the patriotic advertising and it can influence on the effect of advertisement for appealing patriotism through this result. Second, it was shown that 25% high rank group's effect of advertisement for appealing patriotism is more positive than 25% low rank group. These result agreed with existing result that consumer patriotism work as important variable to the effect of advertisement for appealing patriotism. This study cleared that social situation can be the important considerable fact with consumer patriotism in the effect of advertisement for appealing patriotism.
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