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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
To date studies were lacked how patterns of customer complaint behaviors may be different according to cultural orientation to influence thought, feeling, and behavior much. Therefore, the present study explored how cultures influences the pattern in consumers' complaints behaviors and intentions in the situation of the unsatisfactory consumption by comparing the types of complaint behaviors of individuals with independent self and interdependent self. Results were that consumers with independent self-construal were more likely to engage in public-net and termination of relationship behaviors to express their negative experience than those with interdependent self-construal. On the contrary, there are no differences between two types of self-construal on voice, private, no-action and third-party behaviors. And of those who voiced dissatisfaction previously, consumers with interdependent self-construal maintained long-term transactional relationship compared to consumer with independent self-construal. In addition, When the similar dissatisfaction occurs again, consumers with independent self-construal who voiced dissatisfaction previously tended more likely to express private, public-net, termination of relationship and no-action intentions than those with interdependent self-construal who did. Implications of these findings and recommendations for additional consumer complaint behaviors research are discussed.
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