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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Consumers tend to have distortion bias of product information for pioneer brand when they are making a decision. Because they want to reduce trade-off difficulty. That is why late-mover brand's differentiation strategy against the pioneer brand tends to fail. So, this study took notice of late-mover brand's marketing strategy against to consumers' distortion bias of product information for pioneer brand. We suggested that if the late-mover appeal inherently emotion-laden attributes (e.g. self-respect, a sense of morality, religious belief, safety of family, health etc.) to consumers, then it will attenuate consumers' distortion bias more than the case if it appeals intrinsic attributes. Our study carried out an experiment in order to our hypotheses. Therefore, It is more effective when the late-mover suggests its emotion-laden attribute to consumers in overcoming the pioneer's brand power.
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