ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in clothing consumption behaviors(overconsumption, conformity, fashionability) among Korean females consumer groups based on cultural tendency. Subjects were 445 Korean single females in their 20s who currently hold jobs in Seoul metropolitan area. Overconsumption was classified into two factors: conspicuous consumption and face orientation; conformity was classified into three factors: normative conformity, identificational conformity, and anticonformity; fashionability was classified into two factors: fashion following and fashion innovativeness. The results from analyzing group differences showed that there were significant differences in normative conformity, anticonformity, and fashion innovativeness between idiocentrics and allocentrics group. There was significant difference in face orientation between verocentrics and horocentrics group. There were significant differences in normative conformity, anticonformity, and fashion innovativeness among vertical idiocentrics, horizontal idiocentrics, vertical allocentrics, and horizontal allocentrics groups.
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