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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to investigate actual components of corporate public relationship and is to examine the effect of the components on consumers' behavior intention. The empirical surveys were conducted with companies selected by tech-intensity of product. Exploratory factor analysis results for investigating of actual components of corporate public relationship show 6 components such as trust, social contribution, satisfaction, intimacy and familiarity, mutual relationship, and mutual control. Those results show also that company of high tech-intensity product is evaluated higher than company of low tech-intensity product as to components of social contribution and mutual relationship. This study is conducted regression analysis to examine how the components of corporate public relationship influence on consumers' behavior intention according to companies of tech-intensity product. Those results show that component of mutual control exerts the most effect on complaining intention of dissatisfaction and component of satisfaction exerts the most effect on accepting intention of price rise and maintaining intention of loyalty in regardless of companies of tech-intensity product. However, other significant components exert effect differently according to companies of tech-intensity product. The component of intimacy and familiarity exerts more effect comparatively on all consumers' behavior intention in case of company of low tech-intensity product. The component of social contribution and the component of trust influence exert more effect comparatively on all consumers' behavior intention in case of company of high tech-intensity product.
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