Hyun Jun Jang(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science (KRISS)) ; Jeong Hyang Park(DGIST) ; Ga Seul Lee(Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotech) ; Sung Bae Lee(DGIST) ; Jeong Hee Moon(KRIBB) ; Joon Sig Choi(Chungnam National University) ; Tae Geol Lee(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science (KRISS)) ; Sohee Yoon(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science (KRISS))
Hyewon Seo(Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) ; Hye Hyun Yoo(Hanyang University) ; Young-Hoon Kim(Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) ; Jin Hong(Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) ; Yhun Yhong Sheen(Ewha Womans University)
L. Karimi(Department of Chemistry, University of Zanjan) ; S.M. Sadat Kiai(Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTR)) ; A. R. babazaheh(Department of Chemistry, University of Zanjan) ; M. Elahi(Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTR)) ; S. R. Shafaei(Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTR))
Yeon-Ji Jung(Department of Applied Chemistry, Kumoh National In) ; Min-Ji Shin(Department of Applied Chemistry, Kumoh National Institute of Technology) ; Ho-Tae Kim(Department of Applied Chemistry, Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
Wonpyo Lee(Dankook University) ; Im-Sook Song(Kyungpook National University) ; Young Taek Han(Dankook University) ; Min-Koo Choi(Dankook University)
상단으로 이동
Mass Spectrometry Letters