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  • P-ISSN3059-0604
  • E-ISSN3059-1309
  • KCI

A Study on Fuzzy Topology Associated with a Lattice

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics / Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics, (P)3059-0604; (E)3059-1309
2007, v.14 no.3, pp.167-189
Mondal, Tapas Kumar
Samanta, S.K.


In this paper we define a topology (analogous to Chang-type fuzzy topology) and a fuzzy topology (analogous to <TEX>$H\"{o}hle-type$</TEX> fuzzy topology) associated with a lattice and study some of their properties.

lattice, fuzzy topology, gradation of openness

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics