Existence of Fuzzy Ideals with Additional Conditions in BCK/BCI-algebras
Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics / Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics, (P)3059-0604; (E)3059-1309
2007, v.14 no.3, pp.223-230
Jun, Young-Bae
Park, Chul-Hwan
, &
(2007). Existence of Fuzzy Ideals with Additional Conditions in BCK/BCI-algebras. , 14(3), 223-230.
We give an answer to the following question: Question. Let S be a subset of [0,1] containing a maximal element m > 0 and let C :=<TEX>$\{I_{t}\;{\mid}\;t{\in}S\}$</TEX> be a decreasing chain of ideals of a BCK/BCI-algebra X. Then does there exists a fuzzy ideal <TEX>${\mu}(X)=S\;and\;C_{\mu}=C?$</TEX>.
- keywords
(anti) isotone map,
(fuzzy) ideal