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Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics / Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics, (P)1226-0657; (E)2287-6081
2000, v.7 no.1, pp.61-69
Gao, Shang-Min
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Let(<TEX>$X^{\ast},\tau^{\ast}$</TEX>) be the space with one point Lindeloffication topology of space (X,<TEX>$\tau$</TEX>). This paper offers the definition of the space with one point Lin-deloffication topology of a topological space and proves that the retraction regu-lar closed function f: <TEX>$K^{\ast}(X^{\ast}$</TEX>) defined f(<TEX>$A^{\ast})=A^{\ast}$</TEX> if p <TEX>$\in A^{\ast}$</TEX> or (<TEX>$f(A^{\ast})=A^{\ast}-{p}$</TEX> if <TEX>$p \in A^{\ast}$</TEX> is a homomorphism. There are two examples in this paper to show that the retraction regular closed function f is neither a surjection nor an injection.

one point Lindeloffication topolgy, regular closed Boolean algebran, retraction regular closed function, half-disc topology

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education Series B: The Pure and Applied Mathematics