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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The relations between adolescents’ childhood abuse and school violence offense experience, victimization experience: The mediating effect of early maladaptive schemas


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mediating effect of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship between adolescents' childhood abuse and school violence offense and victimization experience. The participans were 502 9th grade middle school students and high school freshman in Gyeonggi-do, who filled out the Questionnaires with child abuse scale, School violence experienced scale, Early maladaptive schemas - short form scale. The results of this study were summarized as follows. First, by analyzing the correlations among variables, there were a significant static relationships among adolescents' childhood abuse, early maladaptive schemas and school violence offense/victimization experience. Second, the early maladaptive schemas partially mediated the relationship between childhood abuse and school violence experiences. In school violence offense, a enmeshment and abandonment schema partially mediated the link between childhood abuse and school violence experience. In school violence victimization, a subjugation schema partially mediated the link between childhood abuse and school violence. This research results can help ourselves to understand perpetrators/victims of school violence and it may suggest informative resources in school fields and counseling for school violence prevention. For the last, based on the represented results, the implications and limitations of this study was discussed.

Childhood Abuse, Early Maladaptive Schemas, Adolescents, School Violence Offense Experience, School Violence Victimization Experience., 아동기 학대경험, 청소년, 초기 부적응 도식, 학교폭력 가해, 학교폭력 피해



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Korean Journal of School Psychology