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메뉴The study examined the influence of socially-prescribed perfectionism (SPP) on depression and social anxiety, and further investigated the mediating effects of self-focused attention and self-criticism. The questionnaires designed to measure multidimensional perfectionism, social anxiety, depression, self-focused attention, self-criticism scale for adolescents were administered twice at an interval of three weeks to 273 students (83 men, 190 women) enrolled at high schools in Gyeonggi-do Province. The findings for the present study were as follows. First, SPP, depression, social anxiety, self-focused attention, and self-criticism showed all positive correlations. Second, the mediation effect from the SPP to depression via self-focused attention was statistically significant, whereas the indirect effect from the SPP to depression via self-criticism was not. Third, the pattern in depression was the same in social anxiety. The results provide indirect support for the social anxiety cognitive model (Clark & Wells) with regards to social anxiety particularly in Korean high school students. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for future research were discussed.
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