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메뉴The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between parents’ child-rearing attitudes and career calling of undergraduate students. Specifically, the study investigated the effects of parents’ autonomous and controlling child-rearing attitudes on college student’s career calling, and a mediating role of student’s career decision-making self-efficacy on the relationships. This study also tested the moderation effect of parents’ self-transcendent value orientation on the relationships between child-rearing attitudes and children’s career calling. A total of 288 undergraduate students participated in this study through an online survey. First, father and mother’s autonomous parenting attitude was both found to affect undergraduate students’ career calling positively. Contrary to our hypothesis, father’s control parenting attitude was not significantly related to career calling and mother’s control parenting attitude was positively related to career calling in our hypothesized model. Second, the students’ career decision-making self-efficacy partially mediated the relationship between autonomous parenting attitude and career calling. Third, father’s self-transcendent value orientation moderated the relationship between autonomous parenting and career calling, but mother’s self-transcendent value orientation did not moderate. However, the moderating effect of self-transcendent value orientation was not found on the relationship between control parenting and career calling. Based on the results, we discussed several implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research.
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