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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the moderated mediating effect of cognitive emotion regulation strategies through depression on the relationship between self-discrepancy and SNS addiction tendency. A total of 501 Korean college students(Males: 191/Females: 310) from two colleges in Seoul and Chung-Nam, participated in this study by responding to the following questionnaires: SNS Addiction Proneness Scale for College Students, Actual and Ideal Selves Questionnaire, The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depressions(CES-D), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), The data analysis was done using SPSS Statistics 18.0 VERSION and SPSS Process macro version 2.16 The main findings were as follows. First, SNS addiction tendency, self-discrepancy, depression and cognitive emotion regulation strategies showed statistically significant correlations. adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies had a negative correlation with SNS addiction tendency, self-discrepancy, depression. And maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies had a positive correlation with SNS addiction tendency, self-discrepancy, depression. Second, a mediating model showed that the relationship between self-discrepancy and SNS addiction tendency was partially mediated by depression. Third, using multiple regression and slope analysis, the moderation effect of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between self-discrepancy and depression was found, but not for adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Finally, maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies also moderated the mediating effect of self-discrepancy on SNS addiction tendency through depression. In this study, the pathway leading to the SNS addiction tendency was examined jointly, including self-discrepancy, depression and cognitive emotional regulation strategies. And the results of this study can be effectively utilized in counseling and prevention education practice for SNS addiction. Also, limitations of the study and suggestions for future study were discussed.
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