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메뉴This study was aimed at developing a self-regulation program for youth, appling the program to youth, and verifying its effects. The first step for the program development was based on the previous studies and clinical experimental data. The program was designed for the self-regulation program mastering, motivation for the program, goal setting, time management, ego search, stimulus-control, emotion search, communication, and mutual understanding. The participants were, tested once a week in 8 weeks and the tests were completed. At the second step, the self-regulation program for youth was administered to the therapy group of 23 college students, and the therapy group's self-regulation, self-efficacy, stress, and self-esteem were evaluated before and after the test. The test results of the therapy group were compared with those of control group(23 college students). The before-and-after- treatment differences in self-regulation, self-efficacy, stress ,and self-esteem between the two groups were verified. According to the above-mentioned tests , the therapy group showed the statistically significant increases in self-regulation, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. However, the two groups showed no statistically significant differences in the stress. This study showed that the self-regulation program for youth was useful in increasing the levels of self-regulation and self-efficacy, self-esteem. And when the self-regulation program for youth is properly administered, the youth problems that were caused by the weakened self-regulation could be effectively decreased.
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