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메뉴The purpose of the present study was to investigate the validity of the Korean version of the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire(RSLQ), a relatively new self-leadership scale developed by Houghton & Neck(2002) chat measures the 3 strategies(behavior-focused strategies, constructive thought patton strategies, and natural reward strategies) with 9 self-leadership factors. The Korean version of the RSLQ was examined in a Korean context using samples of 645 college students in Seoul, Kyungido, and Choongchungdo. The results of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis as well as correlation analysis showed chat the scales of the Korean version of the RSLQ have acceptable psychometric properties, including acceptable internal-consistency reliabilities, factorial validity, low scale intercorrelations, low discriminant correlations, and significant incremental variance. In, conclusion, the Korean version of the RSLQ appears to be useful for researchers who want to measure the major dimensions of self-leadership for either theoretical or applied purposes. Finally, the limitations and future directions of the present study were discussed.