This study was conducted to examine the relations of middle school students' perceived instructional context, academic competence and academic achievement (i.e., mid-term and final exam scores in Korean, English, Math, Social Studies, and Science). Academic competence was construed as a multidimensional construct consisting of academic enablers (i.e., motivation, interpersonal relations, engagement, self-management) and academic skills (i.e., reading, writing, math, information processing). Paper-pencil questionnaires were administered to 295 seventh graders. The results of the structural equation modeling are summarized as follows. First, in the theoretical model with all the paths depicting the influences of each latent variable on the next, 'instructional context → academic skills J and 'academic enablers → academic achievement J paths were not significant. Second, the modified model with the two non-significant paths deleted fit the data better than the competitive model with the 'instructional context → academic achievement J path deleted besides the two paths. Third, in the modified model, both the mediating effect of academic enablers in the relation between instructional context and academic skills and that of academic skills in the relation between academic enablers and academic achievement were significant. Fourth, the direct effect of instructional context on academic achievement was negative; however, as academic enablers and academic skills were assumed as mediators, such negative effect was suppressed. These results imply that the positive influences of desirable instructional context upon students' academic achievement cannot be guaranteed without the mediation of academic enablers and academic skills. Therefore, efforts to enhance students' motivational, attitudinal and behavioral characteristics and use of academic skills are essential if teachers and other school personnel intend to increase students' academic achievement by altering instructional contexts.
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