This study aimed to analyze the effects of factors on school achievement and self-directedness of middle school students using a path model. In particular, it examined the hypothesis that the mother’s social support functions as a mediator between the temperament of adolescents and their school achievement and self-directedness development. We tried to seek and analyze factors affecting the social support provided by mothers. To achieve the research goals, a total of 116 middle school students (male=57, female=59) and their mothers were assessed through the TCI (the Temperament and Character Inventory), the Junior-TCI, Questionnaire on Parental Social Support, and a questionnaire about school records. As a result, we determined that the mother’s social support was influenced only by the financial status among a total of 20 variables concerning the mothers’ and children’s personal and demographic information. Under variables related to the mothers’ social support, the informational support was especially related to the adolescent’s school achievement and self-directedness. In the analysis of the path model, the family’s financial status had a significant yet indirectly positive effect on the adolescent’s school achievement and a simultaneous indirect, negative effect on their self-directedness through the mother’s informational support mediator. However, there was no mediating effect of a mother’s social support between the adolescent’s novelty seeking temperament, and their school achievement or self-directedness. This outcome was interpreted to mean that the mothers’ social support, for the researched group, is not affected through the children’s reactions.
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