Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The journal titled as “Analytical Science & Technology (Anal. Sci. Technol.)” and its Publisher follow the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. It is expected of authors, reviewers and editors that they follow the best-practice guidelines on ethical behavior.
Selected main points are described below. It is recommended that you should always refer to the documents below.
▶ Responsibilities of Authors
Authors should present original research using an accurate account of the work performed and the results, followed by an objective discussion of the significance of the work. In the manuscript, authors should include sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. In the case of the review papers, the contents should be accurate, objective, and comprehensive. Authors should submit only entirely original works, and ensure whether they have used the work and/or words of others that have been appropriately cited. All publications that have influenced the nature of the work reported in the manuscript should be cited. Plagiarism in any forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is not allowed. Manuscripts describing essentially the identical research should not be published in more than one journal. Authors should not submit for consideration a manuscript that has already been published in another journal. Submission of a manuscript concurrently to more than one journal will be regarded as unethical publishing behavior.
Only persons who meet the authorship criteria should be listed as authors in the manuscript. The authorship criteria includes: (i) made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, data acquisition, or analysis/interpretation of the study; and (ii) drafted the manuscript or revised it critically for important intellectual content; and (iii) have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication; and (iv) agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
. Any person who made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript but who do not meet the authorship criteria must not be listed as an author, but instead be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgements" section after his/her written permission to be named as been obtained.
Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest that might be construed to influence the results or their interpretation in the manuscript. The conflicts of interest include financial ones such as honoraria, grants or funding, membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest, and legal (including licensing) arrangements, as well as non-financial ones such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. All sources of financial support for the work should be disclosed.
If the work involves chemicals, biomaterials, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the authors must clearly state these hazards in the manuscript. If the work involves the use of animals or human participants, the authors should ensure that all procedures were carried out in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines. In addition, authors should also include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human participants. The privacy rights of human participants must always be observed.
Authors have duties to participate in the peer review process and cooperate fully by responding promptly to editors’ requests for raw data and clarifications. In the case of a first decision of "minor or major revisions", authors should prepare for the reviewers’ comments systematically and in a timely manner, revising and re-submitting their manuscript to the journal by the deadline given.
If authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their own published work, it is their obligation to promptly notify the journal’s editors or publisher and cooperate with them to correct the paper in the form of an erratum or to retract the paper.
▶ Responsibilities of Reviewers
Peer-review is defined as "obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field of publication.” When an invited reviewer feels that he/she is unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will not be possible, the reviewer should decline the review invitation. If any invited reviewer feels that he/she has conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions connected to the manuscript, he/she should decline the review invitation.
Once the review process begins (even in the case that the review invitation is declined), the manuscript and its related documents should be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others, except for exceptional and specific cases authorized by the Editor-in-Chief. Review should proceed objectively with supporting arguments so that authors can use them for improving the manuscript. Personal criticism of the authors is not allowed. Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. A reviewer has a responsibility to notify the editors of any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other manuscript. Unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the authors.
▶ Responsibilities of Editors
Editors should evaluate submitted manuscripts based exclusively on their academic merit (for example, importance, originality, clarity, and its relevance to the journal’s scope). Evaluation will not be based on the authors’ race, gender, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, political philosophy, or institutional affiliation. Editing and publication will not be interfered by the government’s involvement or other agencies outside of Anal. Sci. Technol. The Editor-in-Chief has full responsibility and authority to determine the all issues related to the editing and publication of Anal. Sci. Technol.
Editors and editorial board members will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher. Editors and editorial board members will not use or take advantage of unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their own research purposes without the authors’ explicit written consent. In the case that editors have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions connected to the papers, the editors need to request the editorial board to process the manuscript submitted to the other members of the editorial board members.
The editors ensure that all submitted manuscripts being considered for publication undergo peer-review by at least two reviewers (three reviewers are recommended) who are expert in the field. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for deciding which of the submitted manuscripts will be published, on the basis of the quality of the work, its importance, the reviewers’ comments, and its ethical integrity. In no event shall the journal or its editors encourage misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. Editors will take measures when ethical concerns are raised with regard to a submitted manuscript or published paper. Every reported act of unethical publishing behavior will be carefully investigated, even if it is already published. Based on the investigation result, a correction, retraction, expression of concern or other note as may be relevant, will be published in the journal.
연구윤리 규정
제1조(목적) 본 규정은 한국분석과학회(이하 학회)의 연구활동 및 논문출판과 관련하여 연구진실성을 확보하고 연구부정행위가 발생하지 않도록 기본적인 원칙과 방향을 제시함을 목적으로 한다.
제2조(용어의 정의) 이 규정에서 사용하는 용어의 정의는 다음 각 호와 같다.
제3조 (적용범위) 이 규정은 분석과학지에 투고한 저자, 본 학회에서 주관하는 학술행사의 발표자, 학회에서 발간한 출판물의 저자, 그 밖에 학회에서 수행하는 연구활동과 관련된 저자에 대해 적용한다.
제4조(편집인) 편집인은 다음 각 호의 사항을 준수하여야 한다.
제5조(저자) 저자는 다음 각 호의 사항을 준수하여야 한다.
제6조(심사자) 심사자는 다음 각 호의 사항을 준수하여야 한다.
제7조(연구부정행위의 판단) ① 연구부정행위는 다음 각 호의 기준으로 판단한다.
제8조(제보자의 권리 보호) ① 어떠한 경우에도 제보자의 신원을 직․간접적으로 노출시켜서는 아니 된다.
제9조(피조사자의 권리 보호) ① 한국분석과학회 회장 (이하 ‘학회장’으로 칭한다)은 연구부정행위 여부에 대한 검증이 완료될 때까지 피조사자의 명예나 권리가 침해되지 않도록 주의하여야 하며, 무혐의로 판명된 피조사자의 명예회복을 위해 피조사자가 요청하는 경우 적절한 조치를 취해야 한다.
제10조(연구부정행위의 검증원칙) ① 연구부정행위에 대한 검증 책임은 원칙적으로 해당 연구가 수행될 당시 연구자의 소속 기관에 있다.
제11조(연구부정행위 검증 절차) ① 학회가 연구부정행위를 검증하고자 할 경우에는 "예비조사"와 "본조사", "판정"의 절차를 거쳐야 한다.
제12조(편집위원회의 구성 및 운영) ① 학회의 편집위원회가 연구윤리위원회의 역할을 수행하며 그 구성은 학회 편집위원회 규정에 따른다.
제13조(연구부정행위의 제보 및 접수) ① 제보자는 구술・서면・전화・전자우편 등 가능한 모든 방법으로 제보할 수 있으며 실명으로 제보함을 원칙으로 한다. 다만 익명으로 제보하고자 할 경우 서면으로 논문명 및 구체적인 연구부정행위의 내용과 구체적인 증거를 제출하여야 한다.
제14조(예비조사) ① 예비조사는 연구부정행위 의혹에 대하여 본조사 실시 여부를 결정하기 위한 요건을 검토하는 절차로, 제보를 접수한 날로부터 30일 이내에 착수하고, 착수 후 30일 이내에 완료하는 것을 원칙으로 한다. 단, 이 기간 내에 조사가 이루어지기 어렵다고 판단될 경우 제보자 및 피조사자에게 그 사유를 통보하고 조사 기간을 연장할 수 있다.
제15조(본조사) ① 본조사는 연구부정행위의 사실 여부를 판단하기 위한 절차로, 제16조에 따른 조사위원회를 구성하여 실시하여야 한다.
제16조(조사위원회의 구성) ① 학회는 본조사를 위해 편집위원 3인, 외부 위원 2인 등 5인의 위원으로 구성하며, 위원장은 호선한다.
제17조(판정) ① "판정"은 학회장이 조사결과를 확정하여 이를 제보자와 피조사자에게 문서로 통보하는 것을 말한다.
제18조(이의신청) ① 제보자 또는 피조사자는 조사 결과에 이의가 있을 경우 그 결과를 통보받은 날로부터 30일 이내에 학회에 서면으로 이의신청을 할 수 있다.
제19조(조사결과보고서의 제출) ① 조사위원회는 조사 종료 후 15일 이내에 조사 결과보고서를 편집위원회에 제출하여야 한다.
제20조(조사의 기록과 정보의 공개) ① 학회는 조사 과정의 모든 기록을 음성, 영상, 또는 문서의 형태로 5년 이상 보관하여야 한다.
제21조(편집위원회의 제재 조치) ① 연구자의 연구부정행위에 대한 판정이 최종 확정된 후 편집위원회는 피조사자의 연구부정행위에 대해 적절한 조치를 취할 수 있다.
제22조(학회의 제재 조치) ① 피조사자의 연구부정행위에 대한 판정이 최종 확정된 후 편집위원회는 피조사자의 연구부정행위에 대해 적절한 조치를 학회장에게 건의할 수 있다.
* 한국분석과학회 윤리위원회는 편집위원회가 겸무한다 *