- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objectives : This study was investigated so that reliability of disease mechanism diagnosis would be examined, the estimation about disease mechanism item of Questionnaires and the relations of disease mechanism would be inquired about 'Oriental OB&GY diagnosis program' Questionnaires and abridgment Questionnaires which were used for the object diagnosis of Oriental medicine in the dept. of Oriental OB&GY, Oriental Medical hospital of Dong-Eui University. Methods : We analyzed the results of Questionnaires about 1706 outpatients who had OB&GY disease in the Oriental Medical hospital of Dong-Eui University from April 2000 to March 2004. Results : 1. The reliability of Oriental OB&GY Questionnaires above 90% under 95% was 9 case, above 85% under 90% was 3 case, under 85% was 3 case, and abridgment Questionnaires was lower than former Questionnaires, but 12 case disease mechanism of total 15 case disease mechanism was above 85%, therefore both abridgment Questionnaires and former Questionnaires had similar result. 2. Abridgment Questionnaires was usually lower than existing Questionnaires in the comparison of disease mechanism output frequency and that of disease mechanism average score. Therefore, the result of abridgment Questionnaires seemed to produce less than that of existing Questionnaires, but the great difference wasn't seen. 3. Disease mechanism that was over 50% in the rate of pure question per disease mechanism, was 10 case(66.7%). And disease mechanism that contributed in producing disease mechanism result and in which pure question was over relevance calculation 0.9, was 10 case(66.7%). In abridgment Questionnaires, the duplication of question per disease mechanism was decreased, the rate of pure question was increased, and the number of related disease mechanism was decreased by abridgment of Questionnaires question. 4. The calculation of disease mechanism went with the increase of the duplication of question in many times, but Tam-Umhe, Kihe-Hyule, Kihe-Umhe, Shin-Tam went with disease mechanism in many times despite nothing of duplication of question. Conclusions : About the reliability of Oriental OB&GY Questionnaires, 12 case disease mechanism of total 15 case disease mechanism was above 85%, therefore both abridgment Questionnaires and former Questionnaires had similar result.
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