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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Clinical Study on the Effect of Exterior Vascular Laser Irradiation Therapy by Live Blood Analysis

대한한의학회지 / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2005, v.26 no.4, pp.143-151
Eun-Hyoung Lee (College of Oriental Medicine Dongeui University)
Jae-Ook Jeong (College of Oriental Medicine Dongeui University)
Sung-Soon Min (College of Oriental Medicine Dongeui University)
Su-Jin Song (College of Oriental Medicine Dongeui University)
Won-Ill Kim (동의대학교)
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Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exterior vascular laser irradiation therapy by live blood analysis. Methods : We analysed the changing forms of the live blood sample with a microscope before and after exterior vascular laser irradiation therapy of the blood. Results : Rouleau of red cells, erythrocyte aggregation of red cells, thrombocyte aggregation, uric acid crystals, red crystals, and protoplasts in blood were decreased significantly after exterior vascular laser irradiation therapy. Conclusions : This study suggests that exterior vascular laser irradiation will have positive effects in eliminating various effete matters in blood and will have efficacy in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular system disorders and hyperlipidemia, caused by effete matters, or numbness and arthralgia caused by blood stagnancy and blood circulation disorder.

low level laser, exterior vascular laser irradiation therapy(EVLI), live blood analysis

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