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Article Detail

The Reliability and Factor Structure of the Korean Version of PSI-II (the Personal Style Inventory-II)


The purpose of the present study was to empirically examine the reliability and factor structure of the Korean version of the PSI-II which was developed to assess an individual's vulnerability to depression. This study investigated further the relationship between the factors of the scale and depression. Five hundred forty six college students responded to the PSI, SDS, and HDS. The Korean version of PSI-II was found to have relatively high internal consistency and the test-retest reliability. Factor analyses on the items of the sociotropy and autonomy constructs revealed that both constructs have two factors. The results of multiple regression analyses indicated that the two independent variables created on the basis of the composite scores on the sociotropy and autonomy constructs accounted for a significant amount of variance in predicting depression. The results are discussed in the context of vulnerability to depression, clinical implication and recommendations for further research.

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