open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of this study was to develop the Korean Children's Automatic Thoughts Scale(K-CATS) and examine it's reliability and validity. The Korean translation of CATS, CDI, and Korean Social Anxiety Scale(K-SAS) were administered to 809 children and adolescents between Grade 4 through Grade 11. Factor analysis of the Korean translation of CATS yielded the following four factors; depression, hostility, social anxiety, and physical threat. The final version of the K-CATS consisted of 32 items which were selected from the original pool of 40 items in the CATS, leaving out 8 items with low factor loadings. The K-CATS showed internal consistency coefficient of .94, and moderate to high correlation was obtained between the Depression subscale and CDI as well as the Social Anxiety subscale and K-SAS, suggesting good concurrent validity.