open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study examined if there's any difference on affect ratings for Rorschach cards in relation to the actual patterns of control related variables. The subjects were 65 volunteered undergraduate students(male 32, female 33). The Rorschach test was administered according to the standard procedure. Then the subjects were shown the Rorschach cards again one by one and asked to rate each card on 9 point scales on three dimensions; pleasure-displeasure, relaxation-tension, excitement-depression. All the responses were classified into following four groups; "responses with EA", "responses with EA-es", "responses with es", and "responses without EA-es". The results were as follows: First, subjects rated cards including "responses with es" or "responses without EA-es" more displeasing, tensive, depressive than cards including "responses with EA". Second, cards including "responses with EA-es" were rated at the middle between cards including "responses with EA" and cards including "responses with es" on all three dimensions. For the retest of the results, the Rorschach test was administered to new subjects(58 undergraduate students; male 31, female 27). Even though there were some minor differences on the statistical data, the results of the two analyses were basically same in terms of general level of hypothesis testing. Finally, limitations and future directions for the present study were discussed.