open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study, we examined the reliability and validity of Korean Positive and Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS) which had been developed to assess positive affect and negative affect by Watson et al(1988) and translated into Korean by Lee(1994). The PANAS were shown to have high internal consistency coefficient of .84, with the two factors largely uncorrelated. The result of factor analysis showed that the PANAS had a two-factor structure representing 'positive affect' and 'negative affect' each. This factor structure is quite same as that of the original PANAS. However, the 'alert' item which belongs to the positive affect factor in the original scale was included in the negative affect factor in this study. To confirm the construct validity and external validity of PANAS, we administered the correlation analyses between PANAS and the POMS and SCL-90-R. The PANAS PA scale is negative correlated with 'depression-dejection factor' and 'fatigue-intertia factor' of the POMS. Also it is positive correlated with 'vigor-activity factor' and 'friendliness factor' of the POMS. The PANAS NA scale is positive correlated with 'tension- anxiety factor', 'confusion-bewilderment factor' and 'anger-hostility factor' of the POMS. The result showed that the PANAS can reflect the emotional characteristics of positive and negative affect very well. The implications of this study and directions for future study were discussed.