open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to construct inconsistency scale and two impression management index of Korean Inventory of Interpersonal Problems(KIIP). First, pairs of items with high correlation were identified and as a result, inconsistency scale, which consisted of eight pairs of items, was developed by considering location and meaning of items. Second, two impression management index were derived by employing stepwise discriminant analysis. Index of negative and positive impression management were composed of 2 scales (BC, PD2) and 4 scales (DE, LM, PD3, PD4), respectively. Overall classification rates of these two discriminant functions were 98.2%, 80.3%, respectively. Third, descriptive statistics and their norms of inconsistency scale and two impression management indices of university and adult normative samples were presented in order to make interpretation of inconsistency scale and impression index easier. Finally, the meaning and limitation of this study was discussed